Prepare 2-Year-Old Toddlers For First Day of School: 10 Ways to Help Your Child Adapt Quickly

Starting school for the first time is a significant milestone in a child’s life. So, what emotions might 2-year-old toddlers for first day of school? Are there ways to help children quickly adapt to a new environment? Let’s explore these questions with La Petite Ecole Ho Chi Minh City in the following article.

Common Emotions of 2-Year-Old Toddlers For First Day Of School

Starting school is a big step for little ones. For many children, it’s an exciting new experience, but for others, it can be a source of confusion and uncertainty. Here are some common emotions experienced by 2-year-olds starting nursery.

>> Read more: Understanding Children’s Psychological Development

1. Crying 

At the age of 2, children are often very attached to their caregivers and not used to sharing their attention with others. Therefore, in the first few days of school, children may miss home and want to be with their parents. Crying is a natural reaction at this age, so parents don’t need to worry too much.

2. Tantrums

At this age, children are learning to express their disagreement when faced with unwanted situations. When it comes to going to school, if they’re not used to it, some children may throw tantrums to avoid going.

3. Clinginess

Research shows that children between 6 months and 3 years old go through phases of separation anxiety. Therefore, in the first few weeks of school, children may cling to their parents or caregivers more, especially before going to school or after returning home.

4. Wanting to Make Their Own Decisions

Besides missing home, children may also express their emotions in their own way, such as wanting to choose their own clothes or only eating with their preferred utensils.

10 Ways to Support 2-Year-Old Toddlers For First Day Of School

While it’s natural for a child to feel a bit anxious about starting nursery school, with careful preparation and lots of love, your child will soon adapt and have wonderful experiences at school. Here are 10 suggestions to help your child settle into their new environment:

1. Prepare Your Child Mentally

Preparing your child, especially a 2-year-old, for nursery school is one of the most important things you can do to help them feel confident and excited. Talk to your child about all the fun things they will experience at school.

You can also tell them fun stories about other children who are in school, the exciting games they play, and the new toys they encounter. This will help your child visualise their new environment and spark their curiosity.

2. Visit the School and Meet New Friends

tâm lý trẻ khi đi học lúc 2 tuổi

Exploring the new school together is a great way for your child to familiarise themselves with their learning environment. Visit the school with your child, look around the classroom and playground, and meet their teacher.

If possible, arrange a playdate with some of their classmates so they can make new friends. This hands-on experience will help your child form positive impressions of school.

3. Adjust Home Routines

Creating a consistent routine between home and school will help your child feel more secure. Talk to your child’s teacher about the daily schedule in their class so you can adjust your home routine accordingly. This will help your child develop good habits and easily transition between the two environments.

4. Encourage Your Child to Communicate with Others

tâm lý của trẻ 2 tuổi khi bắt đầu đi học

Providing opportunities for your child to communicate with various people is a fantastic way to boost their confidence. From an early age, regularly expose your child to people around them, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, and neighbours. This will help your child get used to social interactions and feel more comfortable meeting new people.

>> Read more: 9 Effective Way to Develop Communication Skills in Preschoolers

5. Role-Playing Classroom Games

Playing role-playing games as a teacher is a fun way to help your child get familiar with the classroom environment. You and your child can take turns being the teacher and students, singing songs, telling stories, and drawing pictures together. This will help your child better understand classroom activities and feel excited about going to school.

6. Teach Your Child Essential Skills

dạy cho trẻ 2 tuổi các kỹ năng cần thiết khi bắt đầu đi học

Helping your child become more confident with basic skills is important before starting school. Teach your child skills like using utensils independently and knowing how to ask to go to the toilet. This will not only boost their confidence but also help them adapt to their new environment more quickly.

7. Communicate with Teachers

Close cooperation between parents and teachers is crucial. Sharing the child’s interests, habits, challenges, and achievements will help both the school and family better understand the child’s development and find suitable ways to help them integrate into the new environment.

>> Read more: The important role of school in child development

8. Encourage and Support Your Child

bé 2 tuổi đi học tại La Petite Ecole Hồ Chí Minh

When your child feels anxious, gently hug and encourage them. Let them know that going to school is a fun experience where they will meet many new friends. Your reassurance will help them feel more secure and quickly adjust to the new environment.

9. Say Goodbye Before Class

Spend some time saying goodbye to your child before class. A warm hug, a smile, and loving words will help your child feel more secure. Tell your child that you will be back to pick them up after school. This will help your child feel safe and confident that you are always there for them.

10. Choose a Good Learning Environment

Choosing a quality educational environment from an early age is an important decision for parents. Look for a nursery with experienced teachers, a suitable curriculum, and modern facilities. This will help children, especially 2-year-olds starting school, develop holistically in terms of physical, intellectual, and emotional aspects.

La Petite Ecole Ho Chi Minh City International Bilingual School Understands the Psychology of 2-Year-Olds Starting School

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La Petite Ecole Ho Chi Minh International Bilingual School is committed to supporting your child during their early years, helping them develop a love of learning and exploring the world around them. With a team of experienced and passionate teachers, our school creates fun and effective learning activities to help children develop holistically.

Through this article, we hope parents have gained a deeper understanding of the emotions and experiences of 2-year-olds starting nursery. If you would like to learn more about our curriculum and extracurricular activities, please contact La Petite Ecole Ho Chi Minh city for more information.