Our Schools in Central Europe
Our Schools in Central Europe

EFI Bruxelles | LPE Ho Chi Minh
The École Française Internationale de Bruxelles is a French school approved by the French Ministry of Education, and a partner of the French Foreign Education Agency (AEFE).

ISD Rome | LPE Ho Chi Minh
The ISD Rome is located on an exceptional campus of over 5 hectares, at the heart of a protected natural area, located to the north of the city.

EFEP Podgorica | LPE Ho Chi Minh
Established in 2018, the École Française Européenne de Podgorica (EFEP) is the most recent French school in Europe. Having initially started out with 7 pupils, it currently has 35 pupils, from preschool to high school.

EFIS Skopje | LPE Ho Chi Minh
For over 20 years, the École Française Internationale de Skopje has been constantly developing, with the same guiding objective: French excellence for all of its pupils.

EFI Bucarest | LPE Ho Chi Minh
The École Française Internationale de Bucarest is a French educational establishment, hosting pupils from preschool to high school, and is part of the Odyssey school network.

LFI Anvers | LPE Ho Chi Minh
The Lycée Français International is a school under agreement with the AEFE (French Foreign Education Agency).