Graduated as a nurse in 2012 and after 3 years of experience in France, I decided to fly to Asia in 2015. Since I was little, I have been passionate about discovering other cultures, other ways of life and I am driven by desires to go elsewhere. After several months of traveling throughout Asia, I finally settled in Cambodia where I set up a restaurant chain with my partner. Following the resale of the latter and enriched by this superb experience, I felt the need to find what really mattered to me professionally: child development and the help I can provide to parents. With my 2.5 years of experience in a nursery in Paris, it was quite natural for me to respond to the offer from La Petite Ecole, which I joined for 3 years in September 2018. After returning to France following the complicated situation linked to Covid, I am happy to return to La Petite Ecole in November 2022. My main objective is to create a link between families and professionals so that each child feels confident and flourishes .